She studeyrys er sheeanyn ghlare deiney sheeanaghtys. T'eh jeeaghyn er troyn hene sheeanyn ghlare as jannoo, eaishtagh as toiggal ad. Haink sheeanchoryssaghtys veih sheeanaghtys, as eshyn jannoo studeyrys er coryssyn sheean as unnidyn neuloaghtagh sheean (m.s. myn-heeanyn as troyn er lheh. Ta sheeanaghtys bentyn rish sheeanyn hene gyn ny colhaihyn as ymmyd jeant jeu ayndaue ayns çhengaghyn. Cha nel resooney er semantagh çheet stiagh er yn chorrym oltscarrey çhengoaylleeagh shoh.
Ta tree crouwyn mooar ec sheeanaghtys:
- Ta sheeanaghtys fockley bentyn rish ynnydyn as gleashaghey ny meillyn, çhengey as oltyn ny ghoo elley tra t'ad jannoo glare.
- Ta sheeanaghtys sheeanoil bentyn rish troyn ny tonnyn sheean as yn aght ta'n cleaysh sthie nyn ngeddyn.
- Ta sheeanaghtys eaishteeagh bentyn rish toiggal glare, son y chooid smoo rish yn aght ta'n inçhyn jannoo tuarastyllyn jeh ny t'eh geddyn stiagh.
Ta ny smoo na cheead sheeanyn anchasley dy vel yn International Phonetic Association (Sheshaght Sheeanaghtys Eddyr-ashoonagh) goaill rish myr sheeanyn baghtal, as t'ad screeut ayns yn Abbyrlhit Sheeanagh Eddyr-ashoonagh oc.
Ghow studeyrys sheeanagh toshiaght cho foddey er ash as 2500 blein er dy henney, ayns Yn Shenn Injey. Ren Pāṇini's screeu coontey jeh'n voayl as aght fockley corocklyn ayns e hraghtys er Sanskrit, ayns yn Queigoo Keead R.C. Ta ny Abbyrlhittyn Indagh mooar reaghey nyn gorocklyn jiu rere ny rangyn v'echey.
Kianglyn mooie
reaghS'treih lhiam dy vel ad ayns Baarle. Er-lhiam nagh vel red ennagh 'sy Ghaelg ayn.
- The International Society of Phonetic Sciences (ISPhS) Çheshaght Eddyr-Ashoonagh Oayllee Sheeanagh
-, Kirklipaid Beg Sheeanaghtys, Peter Roach, Olloo Sheeanaghtys, Ollooscooill Reading (pdf)
- Sheeanyn as samblyn ghlare
- Breeocklyn as Corocklyn
- Cowraghyn aashagh sheeanagh son Baarle
- Laue-lioar yn IPA
- Fontyn Sheeanaghtys yn IPA
- Cullee leaght Ghermaanish mychione sheeanaghtys as sheeanchoryssaghtys, veih'n Ollooscooill Erfurt
- Çhellveeish feer-hree er fockley magh sheeanyn ghlare, veih'n Possan USC Fockley Magh as Fys Ghlare
- Coorse sheeanaghtys son toshiaghteyr, as kuse dy chliaghtaghyn echey
- Praat – Software son oltscarrey sheeanagh
Claare Lioaragh
reagh- Abercrombie, D. (1967). Elements of General Phonetics. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
- Catford, J. C. (1977). Fundamental problems in phonetics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-32520-X.
- Clark, John; & Yallop, Colin. (1995). An introduction to phonetics and phonology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-19452-5.
- Gussenhoven, C & Broeders, A. (1997). English pronunciation for student teachers. Wolters-Noordhoff BV Groningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 90-01-16703-9
- Hardcastle, William J.; & Laver, John (Eds.). (1997). The handbook of phonetic sciences. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-18848-7.
- Ladefoged, Peter. (1982). A course in phonetics (2nd ed.). London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Ladefoged, Peter. (2003). Phonetic data analysis: An introduction to fieldwork and instrumental techniques. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 0-631-23269-9 (hbk); ISBN 0-631-23270-2 (pbk).
- Ladefoged, Peter; & Maddieson, Ian. (1996). The sounds of the world's languages. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0-631-19814-8 (hbk); ISBN 0-631-19815-6 (pbk).
- Maddieson, Ian. (1984). Patterns of sounds. Cambridge studies in speech science and communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Laver, J. (1994).Principles of Phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Pike, Kenneth L. (1943). Phonetics: A critical analysis of phonetic theory and a technic for the practical description of sounds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Pisoni, David B.; & Remez, Robert E. (Eds.). (2004). The handbook of speech perception. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-22927-2.
- Rogers, Henry. (2000). The Sounds of Language: An Introduction to Phonetics. Harlow, Essex: Pearson. ISBN 0-582-38182-7.
- Stevens, Kenneth N. (1998). Acoustic phonetics. Current studies in linguistics (No. 30). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19404-X.