Billey cornel
She billey ny crouw yn-lhoamey eh billey cornus (Cornus mas). T'eh dooghyssagh da'n Europey Yiass as yn Aishey heear-yiass.
Billey cornel | ||||||||||||||||
Billey cornel
Blaaghyn billey cornel
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Rang oaylleeagh | ||||||||||||||||
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Ennym daa-ennymagh | ||||||||||||||||
Cornus mas L. |
reaghT'eh gaase 5-12m er yrjid. Ta ny duillagyn echey piyral, oochrooagh dys dronuillagagh as oirr rea oc. Ta blaaghyn buighey echey, 5-10mm er crantessen as dhossan dy 10-25. T'ad çheet magh anmagh 'sy gheuree roish my jig ny duillagyn magh. She droop eh y mess, mysh 2km er lhiurid as 1.5km er crantessen, as un rass ayn.
reaghTa ny messyn yn-ee, agh t'ad castagh derrey t'ad appee. T'ad gappaghey erreish daue tuittym. T'ad dorraghey-yiarg tra t'ad appee, as ta blass geayragh oc. T'ad jannoo soo as aunlyn assdaue, as gee ad myr skon. 'Syn Asserbajaan as yn Armean, t'ad sheeley vodka assdaue.
reaghTa fuygh billey cornelian feer ghloo, as t'eh goll fo ayns ushtey. Myr shen, t'ad jannoo greieyn ass.[1] Ren ny shenn Ghreagee ymmyd jeh Cornus mas rish y 7oo eash BNJ er son sleeanyn, shleiyghyn as bowaghyn, as er lheiu dy row eh y fuygh share.[2]
reagh- ↑ F. Demir; Hakki Kalyoncu, I. (Mee Nollick 2003). "Some nutritional, pomological and physical properties of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.)". Journal of Food Engineering 60 (3): 335–341. doi: . “The wood is heavier than water and does not float, therefore it is used for tools, machine parts, etc.”
- ↑ Minor M. Markle III (Sourey 1977). "The Macedonian Sarrissa, Spear and Related Armor". American Journal of Archaeology 81 (3): 323–339. doi: .