Wikipedia:All system messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name |
Default text |
Current text |
$1 moved to $2 | ||
$1 moved to $2 over redirect | ||
/* edit this file to customize the monobook skin for the entire site */ |
/* CSS for Monobook skin onlyreaghNotice to Administrators! Changes should probably be made in MediaWiki:Common.css rather than this page, unless there is no effect in MediaWiki:Common.css. Testing can be done on your own user Monobook.css. (In Mozilla and Opera, you can also test style changes dynamically with the test styles bookmarklet from It pops up a window for adding style rules, and updates the page as you type.) Always check with the W3C CSS Validation Service after any changes. Thank you. tokipona:Wikipedia:All system messages gv:Wikipedia:All system messages ak:Wikipedia:All system messages
/* Don't display some stuff on the main page */ #t-cite, #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading { display: none !important; } /* div containing the site notice table see /w/skins/MonoBook/main.css */
margin-top: 0.5em; font-style: italic; } /* the actual site notice table */
background: transparent; } /*
text-align: center; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 5px; }
/****************************/ /* BEGIN LIGHT BLUE SECTION */ /****************************/ /* Make all non-namespace pages have a light blue content area. This is done by setting the background color for all #content areas to light blue and then overriding it for any #content enclosed in a .ns-0 (main namespace). I then do the same for the "tab" background colors. --Lupo */
background: #F8FCFF; /* a light blue */ }
border-color: #F8FCFF; } .ns-0 * #content { background: white; }
background: #F8FCFF; } .ns-0 * #mytabs li { background: white; }
background-color: #F8FCFF; } .ns-0 * #mytabs li a { background-color: white; }
background-color: #F8FCFF; } .ns-0 * #p-cactions li a { background-color: #fbfbfb; } .ns-0 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-0 * #p-cactions li a:hover { background-color: white; } .ns-0 * #content div.thumb { border-color: white; } /**************************/ /* END LIGHT BLUE SECTION */ /**************************/ /* block quotations */
font-size: 93.75%; /* equivalent of 15px in 16px default */ margin: 1em 1.6em; /* same indent as an unordered list */ }
line-height:inherit; } /* Display "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" */
display: inline; font-size: 92%; font-weight: normal; }
color: #000; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; padding-right: 0; } /* Bold 'edit this page' link to encourage newcomers */
/* Display "User $1, you are already logged in!" (MediaWiki:Alreadyloggedin) in red and bold */ div.alreadyloggedin { color: red; font-weight: bold; } @media print { /* Do not print edit link in templates using Template:Ed Do not print certain classes that shouldn't appear on paper */ .editlink, .noprint, .metadata, .dablink { display: none } #content { background: #fff; } /* white background on print */ }
font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; } form#userlogin { float: left; padding: 1em 1em .7em 1em; background-color: #ffffe6; border: 2px solid #fc6; color: #000; margin-right: 2em; } form#userlogin table { float: left; background-color: #ffffe6; color: #000; } p.error { font-weight: bold; } /* Class styles */ /* .toccolours added here because version in monobook/main.css wasn't being used by the print style */ .toccolours { border:1px solid #aaa; background-color:#f9f9f9; padding:5px; font-size: 95%; } /* Remove padding from external links displayed without icon */
display: none; } .portlet a { text-decoration: none; } .portlet a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
padding-right: 0; }
display: block; width: 100%; } /* Special characters list below edit window works better without underlining */
/* If you don't want to see special characters list at all, put the following line in your User:You/monobook.css file (and remove the slash-asterisk comments) */ /* #editpage-specialchars { display: none; } */ /* Makes the background of a framed image white instead of gray. */ /* Only visible with transparent images. */ /* See #Framed_image_background_color */ div.thumb div a img { background-color:#fff; } /* For positioning icons at top-right, used in Templates "Spoken Article" and "Featured Article" */ div.topicon { position:absolute; z-index:100; top:10px; display: block !important; } /* try adding here, this had no effect in MediaWiki:Common.css */ .plainlinksneverexpand a.external.text:after { display: none !important }
position:absolute; z-index:1; border:none; background:none; right:30px; top:3.7em; float:right; margin:0.0em; padding:0.0em; line-height:1.5em; text-align:right; text-indent:0; font-size:85%; text-transform:none; white-space:nowrap; } .portlet li { list-style-image: url("//"); } li.FA { list-style-image: url("//"); } .mw-plusminus-pos { color: #006400; } .mw-plusminus-neg { color: #8B0000; } /* Infobox template style */ .infobox { border: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #f9f9f9; color: black; } .infobox.bordered td, .infobox.bordered th { border: 1px solid #aaa; } /* styles for bordered infobox with merged rows */ .infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow td, .infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow th { border-top: 1px solid #aaa; border-right: 1px solid #aaa; } .gallerybox .thumb img { background: #F9F9F9; } .infobox.bordered .mergedrow td, .infobox.bordered .mergedrow th { border-right: 1px solid #aaa; } /* Remove white border from thumbnails */ div.thumb { border: none; } div.tright { border: none; margin: 0.5em 0 0.8em 1.4em; } div.tleft { border: none; margin: 0.5em 1.4em 0.8em 0; } form#deleteconfirm table { background-color:transparent; } /* Espaces de nommagereaghRécapitulatif des espaces de nommage : (Les nombre impairs représentent les espaces de discussion) '0': 'Article', '1' : 'Discuter' '2': 'Utilisateur', '3' : 'Discussion Utilisateur' '4': 'Wiktionnaire', '4' : 'Discussion Wiktionnaire' '6': 'Image', '5' : 'Discussion Image' '8': 'MediaWiki', '9' : 'Discussion MediaWiki' '10': 'Modèle', '10' : 'Discussion Modèle' '12': 'Aide', '13' : 'Discussion Aide' '14': 'Catégorie' '15' : 'Discussion Catégorie' '100': 'Annexe' '101' : 'Discussion Annexe' '102': 'Transwiki' '103' : 'Discussion Transwiki' '104': 'Portail' '105' : 'Discussion Portail' Couleurs de fondreagh*/ /* Couleur par défaut */ #content { background : #F8FCFF; } /* bleu ciel */ #p-cactions li { background : #F8FCFF; } #p-cactions li a { background : #F8FCFF; } /* Couleur de fond des articles */ .ns-0 * #content { background : white; } .ns-0 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-0 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion des articles */ .ns-1 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-1 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-1 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Utilisateur */ .ns-2 * #content { background : white; } /* blanc */ .ns-2 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-2 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Utilisateur */ .ns-3 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-3 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-3 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Wikipédia */ .ns-4 * #content { background : #F4F4F4; } /* gris */ .ns-4 * #p-cactions li { background : #F4F4F4; } .ns-4 * #p-cactions li a { background : #F4F4F4; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Wikipédia */ .ns-5 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-5 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-5 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Image */ .ns-6 * #content { background : white; } /* blanc */ .ns-6 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-6 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Image */ .ns-7 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-7 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-7 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages MediaWiki */ .ns-8 * #content { background : #EEEEFF; } /* bleu */ .ns-8 * #p-cactions li { background : #EEEEFF; } .ns-8 * #p-cactions li a { background : #EEEEFF; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion MediaWiki */ .ns-9 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-9 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-9 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Modèle */ .ns-10 * #content { background : white } /* blanc */ .ns-10 * #p-cactions li { background : white } .ns-10 * #p-cactions li a { background : white } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Modèle */ .ns-11 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-11 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-11 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages d’Aide */ .ns-12 * #content { background : #FFEEEE; } /* rouge */ .ns-12 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFEEEE; } .ns-12 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFEEEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Aide */ .ns-13 * #content { background : #FFEEEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-13 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFEEEE; } .ns-13 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFEEEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Catégorie */ .ns-14 * #content { background : white; } /* blanc */ .ns-14 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-14 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Catégorie */ .ns-15 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-15 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-15 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages d’Annexe */ .ns-100 * #content { background : white; } /* blanc */ .ns-100 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-100 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Annexe */ .ns-101 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-101 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-101 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Transwiki */ .ns-102 * #content { background : #EEFFEE; } /* vert */ .ns-102 * #p-cactions li { background : #EEFFEE; } .ns-102 * #p-cactions li a { background : #EEFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Transwiki */ .ns-103 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-103 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-103 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Couleur de fond des pages Portail */ .ns-104 * #content { background : white; } /* blanc */ .ns-104 * #p-cactions li { background : white; } .ns-104 * #p-cactions li a { background : white; } /* Couleur de fond des pages de discussion Portail */ .ns-105 * #content { background : #FFFFEE; } /* jaune */ .ns-105 * #p-cactions li { background : #FFFFEE; } .ns-105 * #p-cactions li a { background : #FFFFEE; } /* Style de l’interface par défautreagh/* Pas de couleur pour les liens des exemples sans article */ .ns-0 #bodyContent ol li dl, .ns-0 #bodyContent ol li li dl, .ns-0 #bodyContent ol li dl dl { color:#000000; background:none !important; padding:0; } /*Liensreagh*/ /* sans soulignement de lien */ :link { text-decoration: none; } :visited { text-decoration: none; } /* Liens externes en rouge (seulement avec la classe rougelinks) */ #bodyContent .rougelinks a { background: none !important; color: #ba0000; padding: 0; } /* DiversreaghColorier le nombre de caractères modifiés dans les modifications récentesreagh*/ .mw-plusminus-pos { color: #00aa00; /* vert */ } .mw-plusminus-neg { color: #aa0000; /* rouge */ } .mw-plusminus-null { color: #888888; /* gris */ } /* Polices de caractèresreagh----------------------------------------------------------- Polices de caractères Unicode par défaut ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* le grec polytonique est absent des polices Lucida ; Lucida et Arial Unicode ne sont disponibles qu’en graisse normale */ #bodyContent { font-family: "DejaVu Sans", "Segoe UI", "Arial Unicode MS", "Palatino Linotype", "Gentium", "Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans",Verdana, ,"Doulos SIL","Charis SIL",sans-serif; font-family /**/:inherit; } /* Palette de navigationreagh*/ /* Importation de la palette de navigation de de: */ div.BoxenVerschmelzen, div.NavFrame { margin:0px; padding:2px; border:1px solid #AAAAAA; text-align:center; border-collapse:collapse; font-size:95%; } div.BoxenVerschmelzen div.NavFrame { border-style:none; border-style:hidden; } div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame { border-top-style:none; border-top-style:hidden; } div.NavPic { background-color:#FFFFFF; margin:0px; padding:2px; float:left; } div.NavFrame div.NavHead { height:1.6em; font-weight:bold; font-size:100%; background-color:#EFEFEF; } div.NavFrame p { font-size:100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent { font-size:100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent p { font-size:100%; } div.NavEnd { margin:0px; padding:0px; line-height:1px; clear:both; } /* Style boîte d’ouverture de session */ form#userlogin { padding: 1em 1em .7em 1em; background-color: #ffffe6; border: 2px solid #fc6; color: #000; margin-right: 2em; } form#userlogin table { background-color: #ffffe6; color: #000; } /* Boîte déroulantereagh*/ /* Standard Navigationsleisten : boîte déroulante */ div.BoxenVerschmelzen, div.NavFrame { margin: 0px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align: center; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%; } div.BoxenVerschmelzen div.NavFrame { border-style: none; border-style: hidden; } div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame { border-top-style: none; border-top-style: hidden; } div.NavPic { background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0px; padding: 2px; float: left; } div.NavFrame div.NavHead { height: 1.6em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%; background-color: #efefef; } div.NavFrame p { font-size: 100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent { font-size: 100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent p { font-size: 100%; } div.NavEnd { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1px; clear: both; } .NavToggle { font-size: x-small; float:right; } /* Boîtes de l’accueil communautairereagh*/ /* Style des boîtes de l’accueil */ .boite-accueil-haut { background-color: #C8D8FF; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 2px; padding-top: 2px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.5em; } /**/ | |
/* tooltips and access keys */ ta = new Object(); ta['pt-userpage'] = new Array('.','My user page'); ta['pt-anonuserpage'] = new Array('.','The user page for the ip you\'re editing as'); ta['pt-mytalk'] = new Array('n','My talk page'); ta['pt-anontalk'] = new Array('n','Discussion about edits from this ip address'); ta['pt-preferences'] = new Array('','My preferences'); ta['pt-watchlist'] = new Array('l','The list of pages you\'re monitoring for changes.'); ta['pt-mycontris'] = new Array('y','List of my contributions'); ta['pt-login'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.'); ta['pt-anonlogin'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.'); ta['pt-logout'] = new Array('o','Log out'); ta['ca-talk'] = new Array('t','Discussion about the content page'); ta['ca-edit'] = new Array('e','You can edit this page. Please use the preview button before saving.'); ta['ca-addsection'] = new Array('+','Add a comment to this discussion.'); ta['ca-viewsource'] = new Array('e','This page is protected. You can view its source.'); ta['ca-history'] = new Array('h','Past versions of this page.'); ta['ca-protect'] = new Array('=','Protect this page'); ta['ca-delete'] = new Array('d','Delete this page'); ta['ca-undelete'] = new Array('d','Restore the edits done to this page before it was deleted'); ta['ca-move'] = new Array('m','Move this page'); ta['ca-nomove'] = new Array('','You don\'t have the permissions to move this page'); ta['ca-watch'] = new Array('w','Add this page to your watchlist'); ta['ca-unwatch'] = new Array('w','Remove this page from your watchlist'); ta['search'] = new Array('f','Search this wiki'); ta['p-logo'] = new Array('','Main Page'); ta['n-mainpage'] = new Array('z','Visit the Main Page'); ta['n-portal'] = new Array('','About the project, what you can do, where to find things'); ta['n-currentevents'] = new Array('','Find background information on current events'); ta['n-recentchanges'] = new Array('r','The list of recent changes in the wiki.'); ta['n-randompage'] = new Array('x','Load a random page'); ta['n-help'] = new Array('','The place to find out.'); ta['n-sitesupport'] = new Array('','Support us'); ta['t-whatlinkshere'] = new Array('j','List of all wiki pages that link here'); ta['t-recentchangeslinked'] = new Array('k','Recent changes in pages linking to this page'); ta['feed-rss'] = new Array('','RSS feed for this page'); ta['feed-atom'] = new Array('','Atom feed for this page'); ta['t-contributions'] = new Array('','View the list of contributions of this user'); ta['t-emailuser'] = new Array('','Send a mail to this user'); ta['t-upload'] = new Array('u','Upload images or media files'); ta['t-specialpages'] = new Array('q','List of all special pages'); ta['ca-nstab-main'] = new Array('c','View the content page'); ta['ca-nstab-user'] = new Array('c','View the user page'); ta['ca-nstab-media'] = new Array('c','View the media page'); ta['ca-nstab-special'] = new Array('','This is a special page, you can\'t edit the page itself.'); ta['ca-nstab-wp'] = new Array('a','View the project page'); ta['ca-nstab-image'] = new Array('c','View the image page'); ta['ca-nstab-mediawiki'] = new Array('c','View the system message'); ta['ca-nstab-template'] = new Array('c','View the template'); ta['ca-nstab-help'] = new Array('c','View the help page'); ta['ca-nstab-category'] = new Array('c','View the category page'); |
/* Leeidyn greienyn as crammanyn entreilysreagh*/ /* */ // Optionen für das Sonderzeichenmenü in MediaWiki:Edittools (Quelle; siehe MediaWiki:Monobook.js) // Spacebirdy stuff :) function addCharSubsetMenu() { //must match MediaWiki:Edittools var specialchars = document.getElementById('specialchars'); if (specialchars) { var menu = "<select id=\"charSubsetControl\" style=\"display:inline\" onChange=\"chooseCharSubset(selectedIndex)\">"; menu += "<option>IPA</option>"; menu += "<option>Arabish</option>"; menu += "<option>Frangish</option>"; menu += "<option>Germaanish</option>"; menu += "<option>Greagish</option>"; menu += "<option>Norlynnish</option>"; menu += "<option>Rooshish</option>"; menu += "<option>Spaainish</option>"; menu += "</select>"; specialchars.innerHTML = menu + specialchars.innerHTML; /* default subset from cookie */ var s = parseInt( getCookie('edittoolscharsubset') ); if ( isNaN(s) ) s = 0; /* update dropdown control to value of cookie */ document.getElementById('charSubsetControl').selectedIndex = s; /* display the subset indicated by the cookie */ chooseCharSubset( s ); } } /* select subsection of special characters */ function chooseCharSubset(s) { var l = document.getElementById('specialchars').getElementsByTagName('p'); for (var i = 0; i < l.length ; i++) { l[i].style.display = i == s ? 'inline' : 'none'; l[i].style.visibility = i == s ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } setCookie('edittoolscharsubset', s); } /* inserting the drop-down-menu */ function customizeWikipedia() { addCharSubsetMenu(); } $(customizeWikipedia); | |
about Talk | About | Mychione |
aboutpage Talk | Wikipedia:About | Project:Mychione |
aboutwikipedia Talk | About Wikipedia | ⧼Aboutwikipedia⧽ |
accesskey-compareselectedversions Talk | v | v |
accesskey-minoredit Talk | i | i |
accesskey-preview Talk | p | p |
accesskey-save Talk | s | s |
accesskey-search Talk | f | f |
accmailtext Talk | The Password for '$1' has been sent to $2. | Ta fockle arrey gyn tort er son $1 er ve currit dys $2. Foddee oo ceaghley yn fockle arrey noa da'n choontys noa shoh er duillag cheaghley fockle yn arrey lurg loggal stiagh. |
accmailtitle Talk | Password sent. | Fockle yn arrey currit. |
acct_creation_throttle_hit Talk | Sorry, you have already created $1 accounts. You can't make any more. | Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created $1 accounts in the last day, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment. If you are at an event where contributing to Wikimedia projects is the focus, please see Requesting temporary lift of IP cap to help resolve this issue. |
actioncomplete Talk | Action complete | Jantys creaghnit |
addedwatch Talk | Added to watchlist | ⧼Addedwatch⧽ |
addedwatchtext Talk | The page "$1" has been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]]. Future changes to this page and its associated Talk page will be listed there, and the page will appear '''bolded''' in the [[Special:Recentchanges|list of recent changes]] to make it easier to pick out. <p>If you want to remove the page from your watchlist later, click "Stop watching" in the sidebar. |
Va'n duillag "$1" currit rish dty rolley arrey. Bee caghlaaghyn jeant er y duillag shoh as e ghuillag resoonaght ry-akin ayns y rolley shoh, as bee clou trome er ayns rolley ny caghlaaghyn s'noa. |
addsection Talk | + | + |
administrators Talk | Wikipedia:Administrators | ⧼Administrators⧽ |
affirmation Talk | I affirm that the copyright holder of this file agrees to license it under the terms of the $1. | ⧼Affirmation⧽ |
all Talk | all | ⧼All⧽ |
allmessages Talk | All system messages | Çhaghteraghtyn corys |
allmessagestext Talk | This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace. | This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation. |
allpages Talk | All pages | Dagh ooilley ghuillag |
alphaindexline Talk | $1 to $2 | ⧼Alphaindexline⧽ |
alreadyloggedin Talk | <font color=red><b>User $1, you are already logged in!</b></font><br /> | ⧼Alreadyloggedin⧽ |
alreadyrolled Talk | Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]] by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the page already. Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). | Cannot rollback the last edit of $1 by $2 (talk | cohortyssyn). Someone else has edited or rolled back the page already. The last edit to the page was by $3 (talk | cohortyssyn). |
ancientpages Talk | Oldest pages | Duillagyn by hinney |
and Talk | and | as |
anontalk Talk | Talk for this IP | Cur loayrtys da'n IP shoh |
anontalkpagetext Talk |
''This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical [[IP address]] to identify him/her. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please [[Special:Userlogin|create an account or log in]] to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users.'' |
This is the discussion page for an anonymous user who has not created an account yet, or who does not use it. We therefore have to use the numerical IP address to identify them. Such an IP address can be shared by several users. If you are an anonymous user and feel that irrelevant comments have been directed at you, please create an account or log in to avoid future confusion with other anonymous users. |
anonymous Talk | Anonymous user(s) of Wikipedia | Ymmeyderny neuenmyssit dy Wikipedia |
article Talk | Content page | Duillag chummal |
articleexists Talk | A page of that name already exists, or the name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name. |
Ta duillag ayn lesh yn ennym shen, ny ta ennym mee-chiart reiht ayd. Reih ennym elley, my sailliu. |
articlepage Talk | View content page | ⧼Articlepage⧽ |
asksql Talk | SQL query | ⧼Asksql⧽ |
asksqltext Talk | Use the form below to make a direct query of the database. Use single quotes ('like this') to delimit string literals. This can often add considerable load to the server, so please use this function sparingly. | ⧼Asksqltext⧽ |
autoblocker Talk | Autoblocked because you share an IP address with "$1". Reason "$2". | Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "$1". The reason given for $1's block is "$2" |
badarticleerror Talk | This action cannot be performed on this page. | Cha nod oo jannoo yn obbyr shen er y duillag shoh. |
badfilename Talk | Image name has been changed to "$1". | T'ennym y choadan aa-enmyssit myr "$1". |
badfiletype Talk | ".$1" is not a recommended image file format. | ⧼Badfiletype⧽ |
badipaddress Talk | Invalid IP address | Enmys IP gyn vree |
badquery Talk | Badly formed search query | ⧼Badquery⧽ |
badquerytext Talk | We could not process your query. This is probably because you have attempted to search for a word fewer than three letters long, which is not yet supported. It could also be that you have mistyped the expression, for example "fish and and scales". Please try another query. | ⧼Badquerytext⧽ |
badretype Talk | The passwords you entered do not match. | The passwords you entered do not match. |
badtitle Talk | Bad title | Drogh-ennym |
badtitletext Talk | The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. | Va marranys ayn bentyn rish ennym y duillag v'ou shirrey. Foddee dy row eh follym ny gyn vree, ny kianglt dy moal myr kiangley eddyr-wiki. Foddee dy vel cowraghyn 'syn ennym nagh nod oo jannoo ymmyd jej ayns enmyn. |
blanknamespace Talk | (Main) | (Cadjin) |
blockedtext Talk | Your user name or IP address has been blocked by $1. The reason given is this:<br />''$2''<p>You may contact $1 or one of the other [[Wikipedia:Administrators|administrators]] to discuss the block. Note that you may not use the "email this user" feature unless you have a valid email address registered in your [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]]. Your IP address is $3. Please include this address in any queries you make. |
Ta dt'ennym ymmydeyr ny dt'enmys IP currit fo ghlass.
V'ou glassit magh ec $1. T'eh yn oyr na $2.
* Toshiaght y ghlass: $8
* Jerrey yn ghlass: $6
* Currit da: $7
Foddee oo cur fys er $1 ny reireyder elley dy resooney magh y ghlass.
Cha nod oo jannoo ymmyd jeh'n chummey 'cur post-L da'n ymmydeyr shoh' mannagh vel eh sonrit ayns dty choontys tosheeaghtyn as mannagh vel ou glasst magh. She $3 dt'enmys IP roie, as she dt'enney ghlass na #$5. Cur ad lesh dagh ooilley eysht. |
blockedtitle Talk | User is blocked | Ta'n ymmydeyr glast magh |
blockip Talk | Block user | Glass magh yn ymmydeyr |
blockipsuccesssub Talk | Block succeeded | Block succeeded |
blockipsuccesstext Talk | "$1" has been blocked. <br />See [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] to review blocks. |
$1 has been blocked. See the block list to review blocks. |
blockiptext Talk | Use the form below to block write access from a specific IP address or username. This should be done only only to prevent vandalism, and in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy|policy]]. Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular pages that were vandalized). | Use the form below to block write access from a specific IP address or username. This should be done only to prevent vandalism, and in accordance with policy. Fill in a specific reason below (for example, citing particular pages that were vandalized). You can block IP address ranges using the CIDR syntax; the largest allowed range is /$1 for IPv4 and /$2 for IPv6. |
blocklink Talk | block | glass magh |
blocklistline Talk | $1, $2 blocked $3 (expires $4) | ⧼Blocklistline⧽ |
blocklogentry Talk | blocked "$1" with an expiry time of $2 | blocked $1 with an expiration time of $2 $3 |
blocklogpage Talk | Block_log | Lioar chooishyn ny glassaghyn magh |
blocklogtext Talk | This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not be listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks. | This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the block list for the list of currently operational bans and blocks. |
bold_sample Talk | Bold text | ⧼Bold_sample⧽ |
bold_tip Talk | Bold text | ⧼Bold_tip⧽ |
booksources Talk | Book sources | Bun-gheillyn lioar |
booksourcetext Talk | Below is a list of links to other sites that sell new and used books, and may also have further information about books you are looking for.Wikipedia is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and this list should not be construed as an endorsement. | ⧼Booksourcetext⧽ |
brokenredirects Talk | Broken Redirects | Aa-enmyssyn brisht |
brokenredirectstext Talk | The following redirects link to a non-existing pages. | The following redirects link to non-existent pages: |
bugreports Talk | Bug reports | ⧼Bugreports⧽ |
bugreportspage Talk | Wikipedia:Bug_reports | ⧼Bugreportspage⧽ |
bureaucratlog Talk | Bureaucrat_log | ⧼Bureaucratlog⧽ |
bureaucratlogentry Talk | Rights for user "$1" set "$2" | ⧼Bureaucratlogentry⧽ |
bureaucrattext Talk | The action you have requested can only be performed by sysops with "bureaucrat" status. | ⧼Bureaucrattext⧽ |
bureaucrattitle Talk | Bureaucrat access required | ⧼Bureaucrattitle⧽ |
bydate Talk | by date | rere date |
byname Talk | by name | ⧼Byname⧽ |
bysize Talk | by size | ⧼Bysize⧽ |
cachederror Talk | The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date. | ⧼Cachederror⧽ |
cancel Talk | Cancel | Doll magh |
cannotdelete Talk | Could not delete the page or image specified. (It may have already been deleted by someone else.) | The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else. |
cantrollback Talk | Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page. | Cannot revert the edit. The last contributor is the only author of this page. |
categories Talk | Categories | Ronnaghyn |
category Talk | category | ⧼Category⧽ |
category_header Talk | Articles in category "$1" | Duillagyn 'sy ronney "$1" |
categoryarticlecount Talk | There are $1 articles in this category. | ⧼Categoryarticlecount⧽ |
changepassword Talk | Change password | Fockle yn arrey y cheaghley |
changes Talk | changes | ⧼Changes⧽ |
clearyourcache Talk | '''Note:''' After saving, you have to clear your browser cache to see the changes: '''Mozilla:''' click ''reload''(or ''ctrl-r''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''ctrl-f5'', '''Safari:''' ''cmd-r'', '''Konqueror''' ''ctrl-r''. | Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. * Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac) * Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac) * Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5. |
columns Talk | Columns | ⧼Columns⧽ |
commentedit Talk | (comment) | ⧼Commentedit⧽ |
compareselectedversions Talk | Compare selected versions | Cosoylee ny lhiegganyn reiht |
confirm Talk | Confirm | Feeraghey |
confirmcheck Talk | Yes, I really want to delete this. | ⧼Confirmcheck⧽ |
confirmdelete Talk | Confirm delete | ⧼Confirmdelete⧽ |
confirmdeletetext Talk | You are about to permanently delete a page or image along with all of its history from the database. Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy]]. |
Ta shiu er-çhee scryssey magh duillag myrane lesh y shennaghys eck. Feeraghey dy vel eh y çhalee ayd eh y yannoo, dy vel ny scanshyn toiggit ayd, as dy vel oo jannoo eh ayns coardailys rish y pholasee. |
confirmprotect Talk | Confirm protection | ⧼Confirmprotect⧽ |
confirmprotecttext Talk | Do you really want to protect this page? | ⧼Confirmprotecttext⧽ |
confirmunprotect Talk | Confirm unprotection | ⧼Confirmunprotect⧽ |
confirmunprotecttext Talk | Do you really want to unprotect this page? | ⧼Confirmunprotecttext⧽ |
contextchars Talk | Characters of context per line | ⧼Contextchars⧽ |
contextlines Talk | Lines to show per hit | ⧼Contextlines⧽ |
contribslink Talk | contribs | cohortyssyn |
contribsub Talk | For $1 | ⧼Contribsub⧽ |
contributions Talk | User contributions | User contributions |
copyright Talk | Content is available under $1. | - |
copyrightpage Talk | Wikipedia:Copyrights | Wikipedia:Coip-chiartyn |
copyrightpagename Talk | Wikipedia copyright | ⧼Copyrightpagename⧽ |
copyrightwarning Talk | Please note that all contributions to Wikipedia are considered to be released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see $1 for details). If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then don't submit it here.<br /> You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. <strong>DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION!</strong> |
Cur stiagh:
Bee dty chaghlaaghyn ry akin er çhelleeragh.
* My t'ou laccal prowal y yannoo, jean ymmyd ass y voayrd doo.
* Ta failt ort art noa y chur er bun, ny foays y chur er art t'ayn hannah. Foddee yn cohionnal couyr dhyt lhiggey lesh y chadjin.
* Cur ennym er dty chooid imraaghyn er mod dy bee eh er towse ghooiney elley dty chooid obbyr d'eeraghey.
* Er duillagyn resoonaght, cur dt'ennym lesh dty chooid tuarymyn trooid kiare tilde y chlouscreeu. (~~~~ ).
Gow tastey jeh shoh:
* Ta dagh caghlaa skeayllit fo'n Kiedoonys GNU da Docamadys Seyr (jeeagh er WP:Coip-chiartyn).
* Mannagh vel mian ayd dty chooid screeudeyrys y chur fud y cheilley ny d'aarheynn gyn scuirr, ny cur er ersooyl eh.
* Cha nod cullee d'aascreeu jeeragh stiagh, ynrican agh my vel saase veih'n 'arran pobbylagh t'ayn—cha nel y chooid smoo jeh duillagyn yn eddyr-voggyl 'syn earroo lesh shoh.
couldntremove Talk | Couldn't remove item '$1'... | ⧼Couldntremove⧽ |
createaccount Talk | Create new account | Croo coontys |
createaccountmail Talk | by email | Croo fockle arrey shallidagh gyn tort as cur eh da'n post-l reiht ayd |
creditspage Talk | Page credits | Page credits |
cur Talk | cur | bio |
currentevents Talk | Current events | Cooishyn y laa |
currentrev Talk | Current revision | Aavriwnys roie |
databaseerror Talk | Database error | Marranys 'sy stoyr-fysseree |
dateformat Talk | Date format | ⧼Dateformat⧽ |
dberrortext Talk | A database query syntax error has occurred. This could be because of an illegal search query (see $5), or it may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote> from within function "<tt>$2</tt>". MySQL returned error "<tt>$3: $4</tt>". | ⧼Dberrortext⧽ |
dberrortextcl Talk | A database query syntax error has occurred. The last attempted database query was: "$1" from within function "$2". MySQL returned error "$3: $4". | ⧼Dberrortextcl⧽ |
deadendpages Talk | Dead-end pages | Duillagyn kione kyagh |
debug Talk | Debug | ⧼Debug⧽ |
defaultns Talk | Search in these namespaces by default: | ⧼Defaultns⧽ |
defemailsubject Talk | Wikipedia e-mail | Wikipedia email from user "$1" |
delete Talk | Delete | Scryss |
deletecomment Talk | Reason for deletion | Fa: |
deletedarticle Talk | deleted "$1" | deleted "$1" |
deletedtext Talk | "$1" has been deleted. See $2 for a record of recent deletions. |
Ta "$1" scrysst. Jeeagh er $2 son recortys ny scryssaghyn magh jeianagh. |
deleteimg Talk | del | ⧼Deleteimg⧽ |
deletepage Talk | Delete page | Scryss y duillag |
deletesub Talk | (Deleting "$1") | ⧼Deletesub⧽ |
deletethispage Talk | Delete this page | Scryss y duillag shoh |
deletionlog Talk | deletion log | deletion log |
dellogpage Talk | Deletion_log | Lioar ny scryssaghyn magh |
dellogpagetext Talk | Below is a list of the most recent deletions. All times shown are server time (UTC). <ul> </ul> | Below is a list of the most recent deletions. |
developerspheading Talk | For developer use only | ⧼Developerspheading⧽ |
developertext Talk | The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "developer" status. See $1. | ⧼Developertext⧽ |
developertitle Talk | Developer access required | ⧼Developertitle⧽ |
diff Talk | diff | anch |
difference Talk | (Difference between revisions) | ⧼Difference⧽ |
disambiguations Talk | Disambiguation pages | ⧼Disambiguations⧽ |
disambiguationspage Talk | Wikipedia:Links_to_disambiguating_pages | Wikipedia:Kianglaghyn_gys_duillagyn_reddaghey Admins, please maintain this page by including links to all disambiguation templates and any redirects to them. The list is used by Special:Disambiguations to show any pages linking to disambiguation articles. The list will also be used by various bots. Note: This page may be translated and reformatted. Any links to [[template:...]] will be treated as links to disambiguation templates. * Template:Reddaghey |
disambiguationstext Talk | The following pages link to a <i>disambiguation page</i>. They should link to the appropriate topic instead.<br />A page is treated as dismbiguation if it is linked from $1.<br />Links from other namespaces are <i>not</i> listed here. | ⧼Disambiguationstext⧽ |
disclaimerpage Talk | Wikipedia:General_disclaimer | Project:Obbalys cadjin |
disclaimers Talk | Disclaimers | Jiooldeyderyn |
doubleredirects Talk | Double Redirects | Aa-enmyssyn dooblagh |
doubleredirectstext Talk | <b>Attention:</b> This list may contain false positives. That usually means there is additional text with links below the first #REDIRECT.<br /> Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the first line of the second redirect text, usually giving the "real" target page, which the first redirect should point to. |
This page lists pages that redirect to other redirect pages.
Each row contains links to the first and second redirect, as well as the target of the second redirect, which is usually the "real" target page to which the first redirect should point.
edit Talk | Edit | Reagh |
editcomment Talk | The edit comment was: "<i>$1</i>". | V'eh $1 giare-choontys y reaghey. |
editconflict Talk | Edit conflict: $1 | Edit conflict: $1 |
editcurrent Talk | Edit the current version of this page | ⧼Editcurrent⧽ |
edithelp Talk | Editing help | Cooney reaghee |
edithelppage Talk | Help:Editing | |
editing Talk | Editing $1 | Reaghey $1 |
editingold Talk | <strong>WARNING: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost.</strong>\n | Warning: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you publish it, any changes made since this revision will be lost. |
editsection Talk | edit | reagh |
editthispage Talk | Edit this page | Reagh y duillag shoh |
emailflag Talk | Disable e-mail from other users | ⧼Emailflag⧽ |
emailforlost Talk | Fields marked with a star (*) are optional. Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.<br /><br />Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work. | ⧼Emailforlost⧽ |
emailfrom Talk | From | Veih: |
emailmessage Talk | Message | Çhaghteraght: |
emailpage Talk | E-mail user | ⧼Emailpage⧽ |
emailpagetext Talk | If this user has entered a valid e-mail address in his or her user preferences, the form below will send a single message. The e-mail address you entered in your user preferences will appear as the "From" address of the mail, so the recipient will be able to reply. | You can use the form below to send an email message to this user. The email address you entered in your user preferences will appear in the email, so the recipient will be able to reply directly to you. |
emailsend Talk | Send | Cur |
emailsent Talk | E-mail sent | Post-L currit |
emailsenttext Talk | Your e-mail message has been sent. | Ta dty phost-L currit. |
emailsubject Talk | Subject | Bun-chooish: |
emailto Talk | To | Da: |
emailuser Talk | E-mail this user | Cur post-L da'n ymmydeyr shoh |
enterlockreason Talk | Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released | Enter a reason for the lock, including an estimate of when the lock will be released |
error Talk | Error | Marranys |
errorpagetitle Talk | Error | Marranys |
exbeforeblank Talk | content before blanking was: | content before blanking was: "$1" |
exblank Talk | page was empty | ⧼Exblank⧽ |
excontent Talk | content was: | v'eh ny chummal na: '$1' |
explainconflict Talk | Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. <b>Only</b> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press "Save page". <p> | Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. Only the text in the upper text area will be published when you press "$1". |
export Talk | Export pages | Assphurtal duillagyn |
exportcuronly Talk | Include only the current revision, not the full history | Include only the current revision, not the full history |
exporttext Talk | You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML; this can then be imported into another wiki running MediaWiki software, transformed, or just kept for your private amusement. | You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or set of pages wrapped in some XML. This can be imported into another wiki using MediaWiki via the import page. To export pages, enter the titles in the text box below, one title per line, and select whether you want the current revision as well as all old revisions, with the page history lines, or the current revision with the info about the last edit. In the latter case you can also use a link, for example Er lheh:Export/Ard-ghuillag for the page "Ard-ghuillag". |
extlink_sample Talk | link title | ⧼Extlink_sample⧽ |
extlink_tip Talk | External link (remember http:// prefix) | ⧼Extlink_tip⧽ |
faq Talk | FAQ | FC |
faqpage Talk | Wikipedia:FAQ | Project:FC |
feedlinks Talk | Feed: | ⧼Feedlinks⧽ |
filecopyerror Talk | Could not copy file "$1" to "$2". | Could not copy file "$1" to "$2". |
filedeleteerror Talk | Could not delete file "$1". | Could not delete file "$1". |
filedesc Talk | Summary | Giare-choontey |
fileexists Talk | A file with this name exists already, please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to change it. | A file with this name exists already, please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to overwrite it. thumb |
filename Talk | Filename | Ennym y choadan |
filenotfound Talk | Could not find file "$1". | Cha dooar shin y coadan "$1". |
filerenameerror Talk | Could not rename file "$1" to "$2". | Could not rename file "$1" to "$2". |
filesource Talk | Source | Bun: |
filestatus Talk | Copyright status | Stayd choip-chiart: |
fileuploaded Talk | File "$1" uploaded successfully. Please follow this link: $2 to the description page and fill in information about the file, such as where it came from, when it was created and by whom, and anything else you may know about it. | ⧼Fileuploaded⧽ |
formerror Talk | Error: could not submit form | Error: Could not submit form. |
fromwikipedia Talk | From Wikipedia | ⧼Fromwikipedia⧽ |
getimagelist Talk | fetching image list | ⧼Getimagelist⧽ |
go Talk | Go | Gow |
googlesearch Talk | <!-- SiteSearch Google --> <FORM method=GET action=""> <TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" border="0" ALT="Google"></A> </td> <td> <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="$1"> <INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google Search"> <font size=-1> <input type=hidden name=domains value=""><br /><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""> WWW <input type=radio name=sitesearch value="" checked> <br /> <input type='hidden' name='ie' value='$2'> <input type='hidden' name='oe' value='$2'> </font> </td></tr></TABLE> </FORM> <!-- SiteSearch Google --> |
<form method="get" action="//" id="googlesearch">
<input type="hidden" name="domains" value="//" />
<input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" />
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" />
<input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" />
<input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" />
<input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" />
<input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gwiki" value="//" checked="checked" /><label for="gwiki">Wikipedia</label>
<input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gWWW" value="" /><label for="gWWW">WWW</label>
guesstimezone Talk | Fill in from browser | Fill in from browser |
headline_sample Talk | Headline text | ⧼Headline_sample⧽ |
headline_tip Talk | Level 2 headline | ⧼Headline_tip⧽ |
help Talk | Help | Cooney |
helppage Talk | Help:Contents | |
hide Talk | hide | Follee |
hidetoc Talk | hide | follee |
hist Talk | hist | shen |
histlegend Talk | Diff selection: mark the radio boxes of the versions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom.<br/> Legend: (cur) = difference with current version, (last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit. |
Reih anchaslys: jean reih kiarkil reih ny lhiegganyn by vie lhiat cosoylaghey ad, as crig er "enter", ny er y cramman ec cass y rolley. Ogher: (bio) = anchaslyssyn rish y lhieggan t'ayn nish, (roish) = anchaslyssyn rish y lhieggan roish, m = myn-reaghey |
history Talk | Page history | Shennaghys y duillag |
history_copyright Talk | - | - |
history_short Talk | History | Shennaghys |
historywarning Talk | Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history: | Raaue: Ta shennaghys ec y duillag ta shiu er-chee scryssey magh, as mysh $1 chaghlaa er: |
hr_tip Talk | Horizontal line (use sparingly) | ⧼Hr_tip⧽ |
ignorewarning Talk | Ignore warning and save file anyway. | Ignore warning and save file anyway |
ilshowmatch Talk | Show all images with names matching | ⧼Ilshowmatch⧽ |
ilsubmit Talk | Search | Ronsee |
image_sample Talk | Example.jpg | ⧼Image_sample⧽ |
image_tip Talk | Embedded image | ⧼Image_tip⧽ |
imagelinks Talk | Image links | Ymmyd y choadan |
imagelist Talk | Image list | ⧼Imagelist⧽ |
imagelisttext Talk | Below is a list of $1 images sorted $2. | Below is a list of $1 files sorted $2. |
imagepage Talk | View image page | Jeeagh er duillag y choadan |
imagereverted Talk | Revert to earlier version was successful. | ⧼Imagereverted⧽ |
imgdelete Talk | del | ⧼Imgdelete⧽ |
imgdesc Talk | desc | ⧼Imgdesc⧽ |
imghistlegend Talk | Legend: (cur) = this is the current image, (del) = delete this old version, (rev) = revert to this old version. <br /><i>Click on date to see image uploaded on that date</i>. | ⧼Imghistlegend⧽ |
imghistory Talk | Image history | ⧼Imghistory⧽ |
imglegend Talk | Legend: (desc) = show/edit image description. | ⧼Imglegend⧽ |
import Talk | Import pages | Import pages |
importfailed Talk | Import failed: $1 | Import failed: $1 |
importhistoryconflict Talk | Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before) | ⧼Importhistoryconflict⧽ |
importnotext Talk | Empty or no text | ⧼Importnotext⧽ |
importsuccess Talk | Import succeeded! | Import finished! |
importtext Talk | Please export the file from the source wiki using the Special:Export utility, save it to your disk and upload it here. | Please export the file from the source wiki using the export utility. Save it to your device and upload it here. |
infobox Talk | Click a button to get an example text | ⧼Infobox⧽ |
infobox_alert Talk | Please enter the text you want to be formatted.\n It will be shown in the infobox for copy and pasting.\nExample:\n$1\nwill become:\n$2 | ⧼Infobox_alert⧽ |
internalerror Talk | Internal error | Marranys ynveanagh |
intl Talk | Interlanguage links | ⧼Intl⧽ |
ip_range_invalid Talk | Invalid IP range. | Invalid IP address range. |
ipaddress Talk | IP Address/username | ⧼Ipaddress⧽ |
ipb_expiry_invalid Talk | Expiry time invalid. | Expiry time invalid. |
ipbexpiry Talk | Expiry | ⧼Ipbexpiry⧽ |
ipblocklist Talk | List of blocked IP addresses and usernames | Ymmydeyryn fo ghlass |
ipbreason Talk | Reason | Fa: |
ipbsubmit Talk | Block this user | Glass magh yn ymmydeyr shoh |
ipusubmit Talk | Unblock this address | Remove this block |
ipusuccess Talk | "$1" unblocked | ⧼Ipusuccess⧽ |
isbn Talk | ISBN | ⧼Isbn⧽ |
isredirect Talk | redirect page | duillag aa-enmyssit |
italic_sample Talk | Italic text | ⧼Italic_sample⧽ |
italic_tip Talk | Italic text | ⧼Italic_tip⧽ |
iteminvalidname Talk | Problem with item '$1', invalid name... | ⧼Iteminvalidname⧽ |
largefile Talk | It is recommended that images not exceed 100k in size. | ⧼Largefile⧽ |
last Talk | last | roish |
lastmodified Talk | This page was last modified $1. | ⧼Lastmodified⧽ |
lastmodifiedby Talk | This page was last modified $1 by $2. | ⧼Lastmodifiedby⧽ |
lineno Talk | Line $1: | Linney $1: |
link_sample Talk | Link title | ⧼Link_sample⧽ |
link_tip Talk | Internal link | ⧼Link_tip⧽ |
linklistsub Talk | (List of links) | ⧼Linklistsub⧽ |
linkshere Talk | The following pages link to here: | Ta ny duillagyn shoh kianglt rish $2: |
linkstoimage Talk | The following pages link to this image: | Ta ny $1 ghuillag eiyrtyssagh kianglt rish y choadan shoh: |
linktrail Talk | /^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD | ⧼Linktrail⧽ |
listadmins Talk | Admins list | ⧼Listadmins⧽ |
listform Talk | list | ⧼Listform⧽ |
listusers Talk | User list | Rolley ymmydeyryn |
loadhist Talk | Loading page history | ⧼Loadhist⧽ |
loadingrev Talk | loading revision for diff | ⧼Loadingrev⧽ |
localtime Talk | Local time display | Traa ynnydagh: |
lockbtn Talk | Lock database | Lock database |
lockconfirm Talk | Yes, I really want to lock the database. | Yes, I really want to lock the database. |
lockdb Talk | Lock database | Lock database |
lockdbsuccesssub Talk | Database lock succeeded | Database lock succeeded |
lockdbsuccesstext Talk | The database has been locked. <br />Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete. |
The database has been locked. Remember to remove the lock after your maintenance is complete. |
lockdbtext Talk | Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done. | Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done. |
locknoconfirm Talk | You did not check the confirmation box. | You did not check the confirmation box. |
login Talk | Log in | Log stiagh |
loginend Talk | | ⧼Loginend⧽ |
loginerror Talk | Login error | Marranys loggal stiagh |
loginpagetitle Talk | User login | ⧼Loginpagetitle⧽ |
loginproblem Talk | <b>There has been a problem with your login.</b><br />Try again! | ⧼Loginproblem⧽ |
loginprompt Talk | You must have cookies enabled to log in to Wikipedia. | |
loginreqtext Talk | You must [[special:Userlogin|login]] to view other pages. | ⧼Loginreqtext⧽ |
loginreqtitle Talk | Login Required | Shegin dhyt loggal stiagh |
loginsuccess Talk | You are now logged in to Wikipedia as "$1". | T'ou loggit stiagh ayns Wikipedia myr "$1". |
loginsuccesstitle Talk | Login successful | T'ou loggit stiagh |
logout Talk | Log out | Log magh |
logouttext Talk | You are now logged out. You can continue to use Wikipedia anonymously, or you can log in again as the same or as a different user. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache | You are now logged out. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache. |
logouttitle Talk | User logout | ⧼Logouttitle⧽ |
lonelypages Talk | Orphaned pages | Duillagyn treoghe |
longpages Talk | Long pages | Duillagyn liauyr |
longpagewarning Talk | WARNING: This page is $1 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections. | ⧼Longpagewarning⧽ |
mailerror Talk | Error sending mail: $1 | Error sending mail: $1 |
mailmypassword Talk | Mail me a new password | Cur dou m'ockle arrey er post-L |
mailnologin Talk | No send address | No send address |
mailnologintext Talk | You must be <a href="{{localurl:Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> and have a valid e-mail address in your <a href="/wiki/Special:Preferences">preferences</a> to send e-mail to other users. | You must be logged in and have a valid email address in your preferences to send email to other users. |
mainpage Talk | Main Page | Ard-ghuillag |
mainpagedocfooter Talk | Please see [ documentation on customizing the interface] and the [ User's Guide] for usage and configuration help. |
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Getting startedreagh |
mainpagetext Talk | Wiki software successfully installed. | MediaWiki has been installed. |
maintenance Talk | Maintenance page | ⧼Maintenance⧽ |
maintenancebacklink Talk | Back to Maintenance Page | ⧼Maintenancebacklink⧽ |
maintnancepagetext Talk | This page includes several handy tools for everyday maintenance. Some of these functions tend to stress the database, so please do not hit reload after every item you fixed ;-) | ⧼Maintnancepagetext⧽ |
makesysop Talk | Make a user into a sysop | ⧼Makesysop⧽ |
makesysopfail Talk | <b>User "$1" could not be made into a sysop. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b> | ⧼Makesysopfail⧽ |
makesysopname Talk | Name of the user: | ⧼Makesysopname⧽ |
makesysopok Talk | <b>User "$1" is now a sysop</b> | ⧼Makesysopok⧽ |
makesysopsubmit Talk | Make this user into a sysop | ⧼Makesysopsubmit⧽ |
makesysoptext Talk | This form is used by bureaucrats to turn ordinary users into administrators. Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator | ⧼Makesysoptext⧽ |
makesysoptitle Talk | Make a user into a sysop | ⧼Makesysoptitle⧽ |
matchtotals Talk | The query "$1" matched $2 page titles and the text of $3 pages. | ⧼Matchtotals⧽ |
math Talk | Rendering math | ⧼Math⧽ |
math_bad_output Talk | Can't write to or create math output directory | ⧼Math_bad_output⧽ |
math_bad_tmpdir Talk | Can't write to or create math temp directory | ⧼Math_bad_tmpdir⧽ |
math_failure Talk | Failed to parse | Failed to parse |
math_image_error Talk | PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert | ⧼Math_image_error⧽ |
math_lexing_error Talk | lexing error | ⧼Math_lexing_error⧽ |
math_notexvc Talk | Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure. | ⧼Math_notexvc⧽ |
math_sample Talk | Insert formula here | ⧼Math_sample⧽ |
math_syntax_error Talk | syntax error | Co-ordrail marranagh |
math_tip Talk | Mathematical formula (LaTeX) | ⧼Math_tip⧽ |
math_unknown_error Talk | unknown error | unknown error |
math_unknown_function Talk | unknown function | unknown function "$1" |
media_sample Talk | Example.mp3 | ⧼Media_sample⧽ |
media_tip Talk | Media file link | ⧼Media_tip⧽ |
minlength Talk | Image names must be at least three letters. | ⧼Minlength⧽ |
minoredit Talk | This is a minor edit | She myn-reaghey eh shoh |
minoreditletter Talk | M | m |
mispeelings Talk | Pages with misspellings | ⧼Mispeelings⧽ |
mispeelingspage Talk | List of common misspellings | ⧼Mispeelingspage⧽ |
mispeelingstext Talk | The following pages contain a common misspelling, which are listed on $1. The correct spelling might be given (like this). | ⧼Mispeelingstext⧽ |
missingarticle Talk | The database did not find the text of a page that it should have found, named "$1". <p>This is usually caused by following an outdated diff or history link to a page that has been deleted. <p>If this is not the case, you may have found a bug in the software. Please report this to an administrator, making note of the URL. | ⧼Missingarticle⧽ |
missingimage Talk | <b>Missing image</b><br /><i>$1</i> | ⧼Missingimage⧽ |
missinglanguagelinks Talk | Missing Language Links | ⧼Missinglanguagelinks⧽ |
missinglanguagelinksbutton Talk | Find missing language links for | ⧼Missinglanguagelinksbutton⧽ |
missinglanguagelinkstext Talk | These pages do <i>not</i> link to their counterpart in $1. Redirects and subpages are <i>not</i> shown. | ⧼Missinglanguagelinkstext⧽ |
moredotdotdot Talk | More... | Tooilley... |
move Talk | Move | Scugh |
movearticle Talk | Move page | ⧼Movearticle⧽ |
movedto Talk | moved to | ⧼Movedto⧽ |
movenologin Talk | Not logged in | ⧼Movenologin⧽ |
movenologintext Talk | You must be a registered user and <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to move a page. | You must be a registered user and logged in to move a page. |
movepage Talk | Move page | ⧼Movepage⧽ |
movepagebtn Talk | Move page | Yn duillag y scughey |
movepagetalktext Talk | The associated talk page, if any, will be automatically moved along with it '''unless:''' *You are moving the page across namespaces, *A non-empty talk page already exists under the new name, or *You uncheck the box below. In those cases, you will have to move or merge the page manually if desired. | Hed y duillag resooney eck er scughey lesh y duillag hene mannagh: *Vel duillag resooney ayn nagh vel follym as yn ennym noa er; *Nee uss jee-reih y kishtey heese. Foddee oo y duillag resooney y scughey er lheh ny yei shen. |
movepagetext Talk | Using the form below will rename a page, moving all of its history to the new name. The old title will become a redirect page to the new title. Links to the old page title will not be changed; be sure to [[Special:Maintenance|check]] for double or broken redirects. You are responsible for making sure that links continue to point where they are supposed to go. Note that the page will '''not''' be moved if there is already a page at the new title, unless it is empty or a redirect and has no past edit history. This means that you can rename a page back to where it was just renamed from if you make a mistake, and you cannot overwrite an existing page. <b>WARNING!</b> This can be a drastic and unexpected change for a popular page; please be sure you understand the consequences of this before proceeding. | Ta'n form heese lhiggey dhyt duillag y aa-enmys, as y shennaghys echey y scughey dys yn ennym noa. Hig y shenn ennym y ve duillag aastiurey dys yn ennym noa. My ta aastiuraghyn ayn hannah dys y shenn ennym, foddee oo adsyn y chaghlaa dy seyr-obbragh. Mannagh nee oo shen, jean shickyr dy hirrey er dooble-aastiuraghyn as aastiuraghyn brishtey. T'eh ort y yannoo shickyr dy bee kianglaghyn kiangley rish y dean kiart foast. Gow tashtey nagh jed y duillag er scughey my ta duillag ayn as yn ennym noa echey hannah, mannagh nee duillag follym ny aastiurey t'ayn gyn shennaghys reaghey erbee. Myr shen, foddee oo duillag y chur erash 'syn chenn ynnyd echey my nee uss marrantys, as cha nod oo screeu harrish duillag t'ayn hannah. Raaue! She caghlaa trome as doaltattym t'ayn er son duillag mie er enney. Jean shickyr dy vel oo toiggal ny h-eiyrtyssyn roish my nee uss y caghlaa shoh. |
movetalk Talk | Move "talk" page as well, if applicable. | Scugh yn duillag resoonaght eck |
movethispage Talk | Move this page | Yn duillag shoh y scughey |
mycontris Talk | My contributions | My chohortyssyn |
mypage Talk | My page | My ghuillag |
mytalk Talk | My talk | My resoonaght |
navigation Talk | Navigation | Stiureydys |
nbytes Talk | $1 bytes | $1 byte |
nchanges Talk | $1 changes | $1 chaghlaa |
newarticle Talk | (New) | (Noa) |
newarticletext Talk | You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[Wikipedia:Help|help page]] for more info). If you are here by mistake, just click your browser's '''back''' button. | T’ou er jeet trooid kiangley dys duillag nagh vel ayn foast. My vel oo geearree yn duillah shoh y chroo, gow toshiaght screeuyn ‘sy chishtey çheu heese jeh shoh (jeeagh er [$1 y duillag choonee] son tooilley oayllys). My haink oo dys shoh fo marranys, crig er cramman ‘erash’ jeh’n jeeagheyder ayd. |
newmessages Talk | You have $1. | ⧼Newmessages⧽ |
newmessageslink Talk | new messages | ⧼Newmessageslink⧽ |
newpage Talk | New page | Duillag noa |
newpageletter Talk | N | N |
newpages Talk | New pages | Duillagyn noa |
newpassword Talk | New password | Fockle noa yn arrey: |
newtitle Talk | To new title | Gys ard-ennym noa: |
newusersonly Talk | (new users only) | ⧼Newusersonly⧽ |
newwindow Talk | (opens in new window) | (t'eh foshley ayns uinnag elley) |
next Talk | next | nah |
nextn Talk | next $1 | nah $1 |
nlinks Talk | $1 links | $1 chiangley |
noaffirmation Talk | You must affirm that your upload does not violate any copyrights. | ⧼Noaffirmation⧽ |
noarticletext Talk | (There is currently no text in this page) | Cha nel teks 'sy duillag shoh ec y traa t'ayn. Foddee oo ronsaghey enmys y duillag shoh ayns duillagyn elley, jannoo ronsaghey 'sy lioaryn cooishyn ta bentyn r'ee, ny reaghey yn duillag shoh. |
noblockreason Talk | You must supply a reason for the block. | ⧼Noblockreason⧽ |
noconnect Talk | Sorry! The wiki is experiencing some technical difficulties, and cannot contact the database server. <br /> $1 | ⧼Noconnect⧽ |
nocontribs Talk | No changes were found matching these criteria. | No changes were found matching these criteria. |
nocookieslogin Talk | Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again. | Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again. |
nocookiesnew Talk | The user account was created, but you are not logged in. Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them, then log in with your new username and password. | The user account was created, but you are not logged in. Wikipedia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them, then log in with your new username and password. |
nocreativecommons Talk | Creative Commons RDF metadata disabled for this server. | ⧼Nocreativecommons⧽ |
nocredits Talk | There is no credits info available for this page. | There is no credits info available for this page. |
nodb Talk | Could not select database $1 | ⧼Nodb⧽ |
nodublincore Talk | Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server. | ⧼Nodublincore⧽ |
noemail Talk | There is no e-mail address recorded for user "$1". | Cha nel enmys post-L recortyssit da'n ymmydeyr "$1". |
noemailtext Talk | This user has not specified a valid e-mail address, or has chosen not to receive e-mail from other users. | This user has not specified a valid email address. |
noemailtitle Talk | No e-mail address | No email address |
nogomatch Talk | No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search. | ⧼Nogomatch⧽ |
nohistory Talk | There is no edit history for this page. | There is no edit history for this page. |
nolinkshere Talk | No pages link to here. | Cha nel duillag erbee kianglt rish $2. |
nolinkstoimage Talk | There are no pages that link to this image. | Cha nel duillag erbee kianglt rish y choadan shoh. |
noname Talk | You have not specified a valid user name. | Cha honree uss ennym ymmydeyr fondagh. |
nonefound Talk | <strong>Note</strong>: unsuccessful searches are often caused by searching for common words like "have" and "from", which are not indexed, or by specifying more than one search term (only pages containing all of the search terms will appear in the result). | ⧼Nonefound⧽ |
nospecialpagetext Talk | You have requested a special page that is not recognized by the wiki. | You have requested an invalid special page. A list of valid special pages can be found at Duillagyn er lheh. |
nosuchaction Talk | No such action | Cha nel lheid yn obbyr ayn |
nosuchactiontext Talk | The action specified by the URL is not recognized by the wiki | The action specified by the URL is invalid. You might have mistyped the URL, or followed an incorrect link. This might also indicate a bug in the software used by Wikipedia. |
nosuchspecialpage Talk | No such special page | Cha nel y duillag er lheh shoh ayn |
nosuchuser Talk | There is no user by the name "$1". Check your spelling, or use the form below to create a new user account. |
Cha nel ymmydeyr ayn lesh yn ennym "$1". Ta case ny lettyryn ayns enmyn ymmydeyr dendeaysagh. Cur streean er dty lettraghey, ny croo coontys noa. |
notacceptable Talk | The wiki server can't provide data in a format your client can read. | ⧼Notacceptable⧽ |
notanarticle Talk | Not a content page | Cha nel eh shoh ny ghuillag cummal |
notargettext Talk | You have not specified a target page or user to perform this function on. | You have not specified a target page or user to perform this function on. |
notargettitle Talk | No target | No target |
note Talk | <strong>Note:</strong> | Note: |
notextmatches Talk | No page text matches | Cha nel shen ry-lhaih er duillag erbee |
notitlematches Talk | No page title matches | ⧼Notitlematches⧽ |
notloggedin Talk | Not logged in | Cha nel ou loggit stiagh |
nowatchlist Talk | You have no items on your watchlist. | You have no items on your watchlist. |
nowiki_sample Talk | Insert non-formatted text here | ⧼Nowiki_sample⧽ |
nowiki_tip Talk | Ignore wiki formatting | ⧼Nowiki_tip⧽ |
nstab-category Talk | Category | Ronney |
nstab-help Talk | Help | Duillag choonee |
nstab-image Talk | Image | Coadan |
nstab-main Talk | Article | Duillag |
nstab-media Talk | Media | Media page |
nstab-mediawiki Talk | Message | Çhaghteraght |
nstab-special Talk | Special | Er lheh |
nstab-template Talk | Template | Clowan |
nstab-user Talk | User page | Duillag ymmydeyr |
nstab-wp Talk | About | ⧼Nstab-wp⧽ |
nviews Talk | $1 views | ⧼Nviews⧽ |
ok Talk | OK | OK |
oldpassword Talk | Old password | Shenn-ockle yn arrey: |
orig Talk | orig | ⧼Orig⧽ |
orphans Talk | Orphaned pages | ⧼Orphans⧽ |
othercontribs Talk | Based on work by $1. | Based on work by $1. |
otherlanguages Talk | Other languages | Ayns çhengaghyn elley |
others Talk | others | sleih elley |
pagemovedsub Talk | Move succeeded | Va'n scughey rahoil |
pagemovedtext Talk | Page "[[$1]]" moved to "[[$2]]". | ⧼Pagemovedtext⧽ |
pagetitle Talk | $1 - Wikipedia | $1 - Wikipedia |
passwordremindertext Talk | Someone (probably you, from IP address $1) requested that we send you a new Wikipedia login password. The password for user "$2" is now "$3". You should log in and change your password now. | Someone (from IP address $1) requested a new password for Wikipedia ($4). A temporary password for user "$2" has been created and was set to "$3". If this was your intent, you will need to log in and choose a new password now. Your temporary password will expire in $5 days. If someone else made this request, or if you have remembered your password, and you no longer wish to change it, you may ignore this message and continue using your old password. |
passwordremindertitle Talk | Password reminder from Wikipedia | Fockle arrey noa shallidagh son Wikipedia |
passwordsent Talk | A new password has been sent to the e-mail address registered for "$1". Please log in again after you receive it. |
Va fockle arrey noa currit da enmys post-L ta recortyssit da "$1". Tra t'eh eu, log stiagh my sailliu. |
perfcached Talk | The following data is cached and may not be completely up to date: | The following data is cached and may not be up to date. A maximum of $1 results are available in the cache. |
perfdisabled Talk | Sorry! This feature has been temporarily disabled because it slows the database down to the point that no one can use the wiki. | ⧼Perfdisabled⧽ |
perfdisabledsub Talk | Here's a saved copy from $1: | ⧼Perfdisabledsub⧽ |
personaltools Talk | Personal tools | Greienyn persoonagh |
popularpages Talk | Popular pages | ⧼Popularpages⧽ |
portal Talk | Community portal | Ynnyd y phobble |
portal-url Talk | Wikipedia:Community Portal | Project:Ynnyd y phobble |
postcomment Talk | Post a comment | ⧼Postcomment⧽ |
poweredby Talk | Wikipedia is powered by [ MediaWiki], an open source wiki engine. | ⧼Poweredby⧽ |
powersearch Talk | Search | ⧼Powersearch⧽ |
powersearchtext Talk | Search in namespaces :<br /> $1<br /> $2 List redirects Search for $3 $9 | ⧼Powersearchtext⧽ |
preferences Talk | Preferences | Tosheeaghtyn |
prefs-help-userdata Talk | * <strong>Real name</strong> (optional): if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.<br/> * <strong>Email</strong> (optional): Enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it. | ⧼Prefs-help-userdata⧽ |
prefs-misc Talk | Misc settings | Elley |
prefs-personal Talk | User data | Gruaie yn ymmydeyr |
prefs-rc Talk | Recent changes and stub display | Caghlaaghyn s'noa |
prefslogintext Talk | You are logged in as "$1". Your internal ID number is $2. See [[Wikipedia:User preferences help]] for help deciphering the options. | ⧼Prefslogintext⧽ |
prefsnologin Talk | Not logged in | ⧼Prefsnologin⧽ |
prefsnologintext Talk | You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to set user preferences. | ⧼Prefsnologintext⧽ |
prefsreset Talk | Preferences have been reset from storage. | ⧼Prefsreset⧽ |
preview Talk | Preview | Roie-haishbynys |
previewconflict Talk | This preview reflects the text in the upper text editing area as it will appear if you choose to save. | This preview reflects the text in the upper text editing area as it will appear if you choose to publish it. |
previewnote Talk | Remember that this is only a preview, and has not yet been saved! | Cooinnee nagh vel agh roie-haishbynys eh shoh; cha nel dty chaghlaaghyn sauailt foast! |
prevn Talk | previous $1 | $1 roish shoh |
printableversion Talk | Printable version | Lhieggan clou |
printsubtitle Talk | (From | ⧼Printsubtitle⧽ |
protect Talk | Protect | Coadee |
protectcomment Talk | Reason for protecting | Fa: |
protectedarticle Talk | protected [[$1]] | protected "$1" |
protectedpage Talk | Protected page | Duillag choadit |
protectedpagewarning Talk | WARNING: This page has been locked so that only users with sysop privileges can edit it. Be sure you are following the <a href='/w/wiki.phtml/Wikipedia:Protected_page_guidelines'>protected page guidelines</a>. | Warning: This page has been protected so that only users with administrator privileges can edit it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference: |
protectedtext Talk | This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are a number of reasons why this may be so, please see [[Wikipedia:Protected page]]. You can view and copy the source of this page: | ⧼Protectedtext⧽ |
protectlogpage Talk | Protection_log | Lioar choadee |
protectlogtext Talk | Below is a list of page locks/unlocks. See [[Wikipedia:Protected page]] for more information. | Below is a list of changes to page protections. See the protected pages list for the list of currently operational page protections. |
protectpage Talk | Protect page | Protect a page |
protectreason Talk | (give a reason) | ⧼Protectreason⧽ |
protectsub Talk | (Protecting "$1") | ⧼Protectsub⧽ |
protectthispage Talk | Protect this page | Coadee yn duillag shoh |
proxyblocker Talk | Proxy blocker | Proxy blocker |
proxyblockreason Talk | Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or tech support and inform them of this serious security problem. | Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or technical support of your organization and inform them of this serious security problem. |
proxyblocksuccess Talk | Done. | ⧼Proxyblocksuccess⧽ |
qbbrowse Talk | Browse | Ronsee |
qbedit Talk | Edit | Reagh |
qbfind Talk | Find | Fow |
qbmyoptions Talk | My pages | My ghuillagyn |
qbpageinfo Talk | Context | ⧼Qbpageinfo⧽ |
qbpageoptions Talk | This page | Yn duillag shoh |
qbsettings Talk | Quickbar settings | ⧼Qbsettings⧽ |
qbsettingsnote Talk | This preference only works in the 'Standard' and the 'CologneBlue' skin. | ⧼Qbsettingsnote⧽ |
qbspecialpages Talk | Special pages | ⧼Qbspecialpages⧽ |
querybtn Talk | Submit query | ⧼Querybtn⧽ |
querysuccessful Talk | Query successful | ⧼Querysuccessful⧽ |
randompage Talk | Random page | Duillag gyn tort |
range_block_disabled Talk | The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled. | The administrator ability to create range blocks is disabled. |
rchide Talk | in $4 form; $1 minor edits; $2 secondary namespaces; $3 multiple edits. | ⧼Rchide⧽ |
rclinks Talk | Show last $1 changes in last $2 days<br />$3 | Soilshee ny $1 chaghlaa s'jerree ayns ny $2 laa s'jerree |
rclistfrom Talk | Show new changes starting from $1 | Taishbyn ny caghlaaghyn s'noa veih $3 $2 |
rcliu Talk | ; $1 edits from logged in users | ⧼Rcliu⧽ |
rcloaderr Talk | Loading recent changes | ⧼Rcloaderr⧽ |
rclsub Talk | (to pages linked from "$1") | ⧼Rclsub⧽ |
rcnote Talk | Below are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes in last <strong>$2</strong> days. | ⧼Rcnote⧽ |
rcnotefrom Talk | Below are the changes since <b>$2</b> (up to <b>$1</b> shown). | Shoh heese ny caghlaaghyn veih $2 (gys $1 taishbynit). |
readonly Talk | Database locked | Stoyr-fysseree fo ghlass |
readonlytext Talk | The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: <p>$1 | The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1 |
readonlywarning Talk | WARNING: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to save your edits right now. You may wish to cut-n-paste the text into a text file and save it for later. | Warning: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to publish your edits right now. You may wish to copy and paste your text into a text file and save it for later. The system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1 |
recentchanges Talk | Recent changes | Caghlaaghyn s'noa |
recentchangescount Talk | Number of titles in recent changes | Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default: |
recentchangeslinked Talk | Related changes | Caghlaaghyn conastagh |
recentchangestext Talk | Track the most recent changes to the wiki on this page. | Shirrey ny caghlaaghyn s'noa da'n wiki er y duillag shoh. |
redirectedfrom Talk | (Redirected from $1) | (Aa-enmyssit ass $1) |
remembermypassword Talk | Remember my password across sessions. | ⧼Remembermypassword⧽ |
removechecked Talk | Remove checked items from watchlist | ⧼Removechecked⧽ |
removedwatch Talk | Removed from watchlist | ⧼Removedwatch⧽ |
removedwatchtext Talk | The page "$1" has been removed from your watchlist. | Va'n duillag "$1" goit veih dty rolley arrey. |
removingchecked Talk | Removing requested items from watchlist... | ⧼Removingchecked⧽ |
resetprefs Talk | Reset preferences | ⧼Resetprefs⧽ |
restorelink Talk | $1 deleted edits | $1 deleted edits |
resultsperpage Talk | Hits to show per page | ⧼Resultsperpage⧽ |
retrievedfrom Talk | Retrieved from "$1" | Feddynit ass "$1" |
returnto Talk | Return to $1. | Gow er ash gys $1. |
retypenew Talk | Retype new password | Aascreeu d'ockle arrey noa: |
reupload Talk | Re-upload | ⧼Reupload⧽ |
reuploaddesc Talk | Return to the upload form. | Cancel upload and return to the upload form |
reverted Talk | Reverted to earlier revision | Reverted to earlier revision |
revertimg Talk | rev | ⧼Revertimg⧽ |
revertpage Talk | Reverted edit of $2, changed back to last version by $1 | Reverted edits by $2 (talk) to last revision by $1 |
revhistory Talk | Revision history | ⧼Revhistory⧽ |
revisionasof Talk | Revision as of $1 | Aavriwnys veih $1 |
revnotfound Talk | Revision not found | ⧼Revnotfound⧽ |
revnotfoundtext Talk | The old revision of the page you asked for could not be found. Please check the URL you used to access this page. | ⧼Revnotfoundtext⧽ |
rfcurl Talk |$1.html |$1 |
rights Talk | Rights: | ⧼Rights⧽ |
rollback Talk | Roll back edits | Roll back edits |
rollback_short Talk | Rollback | ⧼Rollback_short⧽ |
rollbackfailed Talk | Rollback failed | Rollback failed |
rollbacklink Talk | rollback | aahogher |
rows Talk | Rows | ⧼Rows⧽ |
savearticle Talk | Save page | Sauail y duillag |
savedprefs Talk | Your preferences have been saved. | Ta dty hosheeaghtyn sauailt. |
savefile Talk | Save file | Sauail y coadan |
saveprefs Talk | Save preferences | Sauail |
search Talk | Search | Ronsee |
searchdisabled Talk | <p>Sorry! Full text search has been disabled temporarily, for performance reasons. In the meantime, you can use the Google search below, which may be out of date.</p> | Wikipedia search is disabled. You can search via Google in the meantime. Note that their indexes of Wikipedia content may be out of date. |
searchhelppage Talk | Wikipedia:Searching | ⧼Searchhelppage⧽ |
searchingwikipedia Talk | Searching Wikipedia | ⧼Searchingwikipedia⧽ |
searchquery Talk | For query "$1" | ⧼Searchquery⧽ |
searchresults Talk | Search results | Eiyrtyssyn y ronsee |
searchresultshead Talk | Search result settings | Ronsee |
searchresulttext Talk | For more information about searching Wikipedia, see $1. | ⧼Searchresulttext⧽ |
sectionedit Talk | (section) | ⧼Sectionedit⧽ |
selectnewerversionfordiff Talk | Select a newer version for comparison | ⧼Selectnewerversionfordiff⧽ |
selectolderversionfordiff Talk | Select an older version for comparison | ⧼Selectolderversionfordiff⧽ |
selectonly Talk | Only read-only queries are allowed. | ⧼Selectonly⧽ |
selflinks Talk | Pages with Self Links | ⧼Selflinks⧽ |
selflinkstext Talk | The following pages contain a link to themselves, which they should not. | ⧼Selflinkstext⧽ |
seriousxhtmlerrors Talk | There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy. | ⧼Seriousxhtmlerrors⧽ |
servertime Talk | Server time is now | Server time: |
set_rights_fail Talk | <b>User rights for "$1" could not be set. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b> | ⧼Set_rights_fail⧽ |
set_user_rights Talk | Set user rights | ⧼Set_user_rights⧽ |
setbureaucratflag Talk | Set bureaucrat flag | ⧼Setbureaucratflag⧽ |
shortpages Talk | Short pages | Duillagyn giarey |
show Talk | show | Taishbyn |
showhideminor Talk | $1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users | ⧼Showhideminor⧽ |
showingresults Talk | Showing below <b>$1</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. | ⧼Showingresults⧽ |
showingresultsnum Talk | Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>. | ⧼Showingresultsnum⧽ |
showlast Talk | Show last $1 images sorted $2. | ⧼Showlast⧽ |
showpreview Talk | Show preview | Taishbyney roie-haishbynys |
showtoc Talk | show | taishbyn |
sig_tip Talk | Your signature with timestamp | ⧼Sig_tip⧽ |
sitestats Talk | Site statistics | ⧼Sitestats⧽ |
sitestatstext Talk | There are '''$1''' total pages in the database. This includes "talk" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are '''$2''' pages that are probably legitimate content pages. There have been a total of '''$3''' page views, and '''$4''' page edits since the wiki was setup. That comes to '''$5''' average edits per page, and '''$6''' views per edit. | ⧼Sitestatstext⧽ |
sitesubtitle Talk | The Free Encyclopedia | |
sitesupport Talk | Donations | Toyrtyssyn |
sitetitle Talk | Wikipedia | Wikipedia |
siteuser Talk | Wikipedia user $1 | ymmydeyr Wikipedia $1 |
siteusers Talk | Wikipedia user(s) $1 | Ymmydeyryn ec Wikipedia $1 |
skin Talk | Skin | ⧼Skin⧽ |
spamprotectiontext Talk | The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to an external site. You might want to check the following regular expression for patterns that are currently blocked: | The text you wanted to publish was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to a forbidden external site. |
spamprotectiontitle Talk | Spam protection filter | Spam protection filter |
specialpage Talk | Special Page | Duillag er lheh |
specialpages Talk | Special pages | Duillagyn er lheh |
spheading Talk | Special pages for all users | ⧼Spheading⧽ |
sqlislogged Talk | Please note that all queries are logged. | ⧼Sqlislogged⧽ |
sqlquery Talk | Enter query | ⧼Sqlquery⧽ |
statistics Talk | Statistics | Staydraa |
storedversion Talk | Stored version | Lhieggan stoyrit |
stubthreshold Talk | Threshold for stub display | ⧼Stubthreshold⧽ |
subcategories Talk | Subcategories | Fo-ronnaghyn |
subcategorycount Talk | There are $1 subcategories to this category. | ⧼Subcategorycount⧽ |
subject Talk | Subject/headline | Cooish/kione-linney: |
subjectpage Talk | View subject | ⧼Subjectpage⧽ |
successfulupload Talk | Successful upload | ⧼Successfulupload⧽ |
summary Talk | Summary | Giare-choontey: |
sysopspheading Talk | For sysop use only | ⧼Sysopspheading⧽ |
sysoptext Talk | The action you have requested can only be performed by users with "sysop" status. See $1. | ⧼Sysoptext⧽ |
sysoptitle Talk | Sysop access required | ⧼Sysoptitle⧽ |
tableform Talk | table | ⧼Tableform⧽ |
talk Talk | Discussion | Resoonaght |
talkexists Talk | The page itself was moved successfully, but the talk page could not be moved because one already exists at the new title. Please merge them manually. | ⧼Talkexists⧽ |
talkpage Talk | Discuss this page | ⧼Talkpage⧽ |
talkpagemoved Talk | The corresponding talk page was also moved. | ⧼Talkpagemoved⧽ |
talkpagenotmoved Talk | The corresponding talk page was <strong>not</strong> moved. | ⧼Talkpagenotmoved⧽ |
talkpagetext Talk | <!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext --> | |
textboxsize Talk | Textbox dimensions | ⧼Textboxsize⧽ |
textmatches Talk | Page text matches | Page text matches |
thisisdeleted Talk | View or restore $1? | View or undelete $1? |
thumbnail-more Talk | Enlarge | Mooadee |
timezonelegend Talk | Time zone | Cryss hraa: |
timezoneoffset Talk | Offset | ⧼Timezoneoffset⧽ |
timezonetext Talk | Enter number of hours your local time differs from server time (UTC). | ⧼Timezonetext⧽ |
titlematches Talk | Article title matches | Page title matches |
toc Talk | Table of contents | Cummal |
toolbox Talk | Toolbox | Kishtey greie |
tooltip-compareselectedversions Talk | See the differences between the two selected versions of this page. [alt-v] | Jeeagh er ny caghlaaghyn eddyr y daa lhieggan reiht jeh'n ghuillag shoh. |
tooltip-minoredit Talk | Mark this as a minor edit [alt-i] | She myn-reaghey eh shoh |
tooltip-preview Talk | Preview your changes, please use this before saving! [alt-p] | Roie-haishbyney ny caghlaaghyn ayd; jean ymmyd jeh roish sauail, my saillt! |
tooltip-save Talk | Save your changes [alt-s] | Sauail dty chaghlaaghyn |
tooltip-search Talk | Search this wiki [alt-f] | Ronsee Wikipedia |
uclinks Talk | View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days. | ⧼Uclinks⧽ |
ucnote Talk | Below are this user's last <b>$1</b> changes in the last <b>$2</b> days. | ⧼Ucnote⧽ |
uctop Talk | (top) | baare |
unblockip Talk | Unblock user | Unblock user |
unblockiptext Talk | Use the form below to restore write access to a previously blocked IP address or username. | Use the form below to restore write access to a previously blocked IP address or username. |
unblocklink Talk | unblock | jee-ghlass |
unblocklogentry Talk | unblocked "$1" | unblocked $1 |
undelete Talk | Restore deleted page | Jeeagh er duillagyn scrysst |
undelete_short Talk | Undelete $1 edits | Jee-scryss $1 chaghlaa |
undeletearticle Talk | Restore deleted page | ⧼Undeletearticle⧽ |
undeletebtn Talk | Restore! | Cur er ash |
undeletedarticle Talk | restored "$1" | undeleted "$1" |
undeletedtext Talk | [[$1]] has been successfully restored. See [[Wikipedia:Deletion_log]] for a record of recent deletions and restorations. | ⧼Undeletedtext⧽ |
undeletehistory Talk | If you restore the page, all revisions will be restored to the history. If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the restored revisions will appear in the prior history, and the current revision of the live page will not be automatically replaced. | If you undelete the page, all revisions will be undeleted to the history. If a new page with the same name has been created since the deletion, the undeleted revisions will appear in the prior history. |
undeletepage Talk | View and restore deleted pages | Jeeagh er as cur er ash duillagyn scrysst |
undeletepagetext Talk | The following pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and can be restored. The archive may be periodically cleaned out. | The following $1 pages have been deleted but are still in the archive and can be undeleted. The archive may be periodically cleaned out. |
undeleterevision Talk | Deleted revision as of $1 | ⧼Undeleterevision⧽ |
undeleterevisions Talk | $1 revisions archived | $1 revisions deleted |
unexpected Talk | Unexpected value: "$1"="$2". | Unexpected value: "$1"="$2". |
unlockbtn Talk | Unlock database | Unlock database |
unlockconfirm Talk | Yes, I really want to unlock the database. | Yes, I really want to unlock the database. |
unlockdb Talk | Unlock database | Unlock database |
unlockdbsuccesssub Talk | Database lock removed | Database lock removed |
unlockdbsuccesstext Talk | The database has been unlocked. | The database has been unlocked. |
unlockdbtext Talk | Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do. | Unlocking the database will restore the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do. |
unprotect Talk | Unprotect | Jee-choadee |
unprotectcomment Talk | Reason for unprotecting | ⧼Unprotectcomment⧽ |
unprotectedarticle Talk | unprotected [[$1]] | removed protection from "$1" |
unprotectsub Talk | (Unprotecting "$1") | ⧼Unprotectsub⧽ |
unprotectthispage Talk | Unprotect this page | Jee-choadee yn duillag shoh |
unusedimages Talk | Unused images | Coadanyn neuymmydit |
unusedimagestext Talk | <p>Please note that other web sites may link to an image with a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being in active use. | The following files exist but are not embedded in any page. Please note that other websites may link to a file with a direct URL, and so may still be listed here despite being in active use. |
unwatch Talk | Unwatch | Cur stap er arrey |
unwatchthispage Talk | Stop watching | Cur stap er arrey |
updated Talk | (Updated) | (Updated) |
upload Talk | Upload file | Laad neese coadan |
uploadbtn Talk | Upload file | Laadey neese coadan |
uploaddisabled Talk | Sorry, uploading is disabled. | Uploads disabled. |
uploadedfiles Talk | Uploaded files | ⧼Uploadedfiles⧽ |
uploadedimage Talk | uploaded "$1" | uploaded "$1" |
uploaderror Talk | Upload error | Upload error |
uploadfile Talk | Upload images, sounds, documents etc. | ⧼Uploadfile⧽ |
uploadlink Talk | Upload images | ⧼Uploadlink⧽ |
uploadlog Talk | upload log | ⧼Uploadlog⧽ |
uploadlogpage Talk | Upload_log | Lioar ny laadyn neese |
uploadlogpagetext Talk | Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. All times shown are server time (UTC). <ul> </ul> | Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview. |
uploadnologin Talk | Not logged in | Cha nel oo loggit stiagh |
uploadnologintext Talk | You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to upload files. | Please $1 to upload files. |
uploadtext Talk | <strong>STOP!</strong> Before you upload here, make sure to read and follow the <a href="/wiki/Special:Image_use_policy">image use policy</a>. <p>If a file with the name you are specifying already exists on the wiki, it'll be replaced without warning. So unless you mean to update a file, it's a good idea to first check if such a file exists. <p>To view or search previously uploaded images, go to the <a href="/wiki/Special:Imagelist">list of uploaded images</a>. Uploads and deletions are logged on the <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Upload_log">upload log</a>. </p><p>Use the form below to upload new image files for use in illustrating your pages. On most browsers, you will see a "Browse..." button, which will bring up your operating system's standard file open dialog. Choosing a file will fill the name of that file into the text field next to the button. You must also check the box affirming that you are not violating any copyrights by uploading the file. Press the "Upload" button to finish the upload. This may take some time if you have a slow internet connection. <p>The preferred formats are JPEG for photographic images, PNG for drawings and other iconic images, and OGG for sounds. Please name your files descriptively to avoid confusion. To include the image in a page, use a link in the form <b>[[Image:file.jpg]]</b> or <b>[[Image:file.png|alt text]]</b> or <b>[[Media:file.ogg]]</b> for sounds. <p>Please note that as with wiki pages, others may edit or delete your uploads if they think it serves the project, and you may be blocked from uploading if you abuse the system. |
Use the form below to upload files.
To view or search previously uploaded files go to the list of uploaded files. Uploads and reuploads are also logged in the upload log. Deletions are logged in the deletion log.
To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:
* [[Coadan:File.jpg]] to use the full version of the file
* [[Coadan:File.png|200px|thumb|left|Caption]] to use a 200-pixel-wide rendition in a box in the left margin with the text "Caption" below
* [[Meanyn:File.ogg]] for directly linking to the file without displaying the file
uploadwarning Talk | Upload warning | Upload warning |
usenewcategorypage Talk | 1 Set first character to "0" to disable the new category page layout. | ⧼Usenewcategorypage⧽ |
user_rights_set Talk | <b>User rights for "$1" updated</b> | ⧼User_rights_set⧽ |
usercssjsyoucanpreview Talk | <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the 'Show preview' button to test your new css/js before saving. | ⧼Usercssjsyoucanpreview⧽ |
usercsspreview Talk | '''Remember that you are only previewing your user css, it has not yet been saved!''' | Remember that you are only previewing your user CSS. It has not yet been published! |
userexists Talk | The user name you entered is already in use. Please choose a different name. | Username entered already in use. Please choose a different name. |
userjspreview Talk | '''Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user javascript, it has not yet been saved!''' | Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript. It has not yet been published! |
userlogin Talk | Log in | ⧼Userlogin⧽ |
userlogout Talk | Log out | Log magh |
usermailererror Talk | Mail object returned error: | ⧼Usermailererror⧽ |
userpage Talk | View user page | ⧼Userpage⧽ |
userstats Talk | User statistics | ⧼Userstats⧽ |
userstatstext Talk | There are '''$1''' registered users. '''$2''' of these are administrators (see $3). | ⧼Userstatstext⧽ |
version Talk | Version | Lhieggan |
viewcount Talk | This page has been accessed $1 times. | This page has been accessed $1 times. |
viewprevnext Talk | View ($1) ($2) ($3). | Jeeagh er ($1 | $2) ($3) |
viewsource Talk | View source | Jeeagh er bun |
viewtalkpage Talk | View discussion | Jeeagh er resoonaght |
wantedpages Talk | Wanted pages | Duillagyn ry-laccal |
watch Talk | Watch | Freill arrey |
watchdetails Talk | ($1 pages watched not counting talk pages; $2 total pages edited since cutoff; $3... <a href='$4'>show and edit complete list</a>.) | ⧼Watchdetails⧽ |
watcheditlist Talk | Here's an alphabetical list of your watched pages. Check the boxes of pages you want to remove from your watchlist and click the 'remove checked' button at the bottom of the screen. | ⧼Watcheditlist⧽ |
watchlist Talk | My watchlist | My rolley arrey |
watchlistcontains Talk | Your watchlist contains $1 pages. | ⧼Watchlistcontains⧽ |
watchlistsub Talk | (for user "$1") | ⧼Watchlistsub⧽ |
watchmethod-list Talk | checking watched pages for recent edits | ⧼Watchmethod-list⧽ |
watchmethod-recent Talk | checking recent edits for watched pages | ⧼Watchmethod-recent⧽ |
watchnochange Talk | None of your watched items were edited in the time period displayed. | ⧼Watchnochange⧽ |
watchnologin Talk | Not logged in | Cha nel oo loggit stiagh |
watchnologintext Talk | You must be <a href="/wiki/Special:Userlogin">logged in</a> to modify your watchlist. | ⧼Watchnologintext⧽ |
watchthis Talk | Watch this page | Freill arrey er y duillag shoh |
watchthispage Talk | Watch this page | Freill arrey er y duillag shoh |
welcomecreation Talk | <h2>Welcome, $1!</h2><p>Your account has been created. Don't forget to change your Wikipedia preferences. | ⧼Welcomecreation⧽ |
whatlinkshere Talk | What links here | Cre ta kiangley rish shoh |
whitelistacctext Talk | To be allowed to create accounts in this Wiki you have to [[Special:Userlogin|log]] in and have the appropriate permissions. | ⧼Whitelistacctext⧽ |
whitelistacctitle Talk | You are not allowed to create an account | ⧼Whitelistacctitle⧽ |
whitelistedittext Talk | You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to edit pages. | Please $1 to edit pages. |
whitelistedittitle Talk | Login required to edit | ⧼Whitelistedittitle⧽ |
whitelistreadtext Talk | You have to [[Special:Userlogin|login]] to read pages. | ⧼Whitelistreadtext⧽ |
whitelistreadtitle Talk | Login required to read | ⧼Whitelistreadtitle⧽ |
wikipediapage Talk | View project page | ⧼Wikipediapage⧽ |
wikititlesuffix Talk | Wikipedia | ⧼Wikititlesuffix⧽ |
wlnote Talk | Below are the last $1 changes in the last <b>$2</b> hours. | Below are the last $1 changes in the last $2 hours, as of $3, $4. |
wlsaved Talk | This is a saved version of your watchlist. | ⧼Wlsaved⧽ |
wlshowlast Talk | Show last $1 hours $2 days $3 | ⧼Wlshowlast⧽ |
wrong_wfQuery_params Talk | Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br /> Function: $1<br /> Query: $2 | ⧼Wrong_wfQuery_params⧽ |
wrongpassword Talk | The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again. |
Va fockle arrey neuchiart screeuit eu. Screeu eh reesht eh. |
yourdiff Talk | Differences | Anchaslyssyn |
youremail Talk | Your email* | Post-L: |
yourname Talk | Your user name | Dt'ennym ymmydeyr: |
yournick Talk | Your nickname (for signatures) | Far-ennym: |
yourpassword Talk | Your password | Fockle yn arrey: |
yourpasswordagain Talk | Retype password | Aascreeu dt'ockle arrey: |
yourrealname Talk | Your real name* | Feer-ennym: |
yourtext Talk | Your text | Dty heks |