Yorkshire Yiass: Difference between revisions

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Xqbot (resoonaght | cohortyssyn)
m [r2.5.2] bot currit stiagh ec: en:South Yorkshire, pnb:تھلواں یارکشائر; cosmetic changes
Linney 11:
|earroo_yn_phobble=1,299,400 (2008)<ref>Population estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, Mid-2008. National Statistics Online. Office for National Statistics.</ref>
|glooaght =838
|coonseil =''Gyn coonseil''<br />South Yorkshire Joint Secretariat
|www = http://www.southyorks.gov.uk/
|stiurey =
Linney 31:
[[ar:جنوب يوركشير]]
[[ast:South Yorkshire]]
[[bg:Южен Йоркшър]]
[[zh-min-nan:South Yorkshire]]
[[br:Su Yorkshire]]
[[bg:Южен Йоркшър]]
[[ca:South Yorkshire]]
[[cy:De Efrog]]
[[da:South Yorkshire]]
[[de:South Yorkshire]]
[[eten:Lõuna-South Yorkshire]]
[[es:Yorkshire del Sur]]
[[eo:South Yorkshire]]
[[es:Yorkshire del Sur]]
[[noet:South Lõuna-Yorkshire]]
[[eu:Hegoaldeko Yorkshire]]
[[fi:South Yorkshire]]
[[fr:Yorkshire du Sud]]
[[hi:साउथ यॉर्कशायर]]
Line 47 ⟶ 48:
[[it:South Yorkshire]]
[[la:Isuria Meridionalis]]
[[lb:Süd Yorkshire]]
[[mr:साउथ यॉर्कशायर]]
[[nl:South Yorkshire]]
[[no:South Yorkshire]]
[[nn:South Yorkshire]]
[[no:South Yorkshire]]
[[pl:South Yorkshire]]
[[pnb:تھلواں یارکشائر]]
[[pt:South Yorkshire]]
[[ro:South Yorkshire]]
Line 61 ⟶ 63:
[[simple:South Yorkshire]]
[[sk:South Yorkshire]]
[[fi:South Yorkshire]]
[[sv:South Yorkshire]]
[[tr:Güney Yorkshire]]
Line 67 ⟶ 68:
[[vo:South Yorkshire]]
[[zh-min-nan:South Yorkshire]]