Emily Blunt

ben-aghteyr Goaldagh

Ta Emily Olivia L. Blunt ny ben-chloieder fillym Hostynagh. Ta enney share urree er son e paart ayns y scannane My Summer of Love as myr e paart myr Emily Charlton ayns The Devil Wears Prada. V'ee ruggit ayns Lunnin er 23 Toshiaght Arree 1983.

Emily Blunt
Blunt ayns 2019
Ennym ruggyreeEmily Olivia Laura Blunt
Ruggit23 Toshiaght Arree 1983(1983-02-23)
(41 bleeaney d'eash)
Lunnin, Sostyn
SeyraanaghtReeriaght Unnaneysit
Steatyn Unnaneysit America
Keirdaghteyr · aghteyr çhellveeish · aghteyr fillym · scaa-screeudeyr · aghteyr ardan
YnsaghIbstock Place School (en) Translate
Hurtwood House (en) Translate
(1999 – 2001)
Yrjid171 cm
ShesheyJohn Krasinski (en) Translate  (Jerrey Souree 10, 2010 –
LeggadMichael Bublé (mul) Translate
AyrOliver Blunt
Braaraghyn as shuyraghyn
slane rolley
Kianglaghyn fysseree as sheshoil
Discogs ID1177447

Rolley scannaneyn

Blein Ennym Paart Noteyn Stiureyder
2003 Boudica Isolda Bill Anderson
Henry VIII Catherine Howard Straih Pete Travis
Foyle's War Lucy Markham ayns yn episode War Games Giles Foster
2004 Poirot Linnet Ridgeway-Doyle ayns yn episode Death on the Nile Andy Wilson
My Summer of Love Tamsin Pawel Pawlikowski
2005 Empire Camane straih beg John Gray, Kim Manners
The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle Jean Leckie scannane hellveeish Cilla Ware
Gideon's Daughter Natasha scannane hellveeish Stephen Poliakoff
2006 Irresistible Mara Ann Turner
The Devil Wears Prada Emily David Frankel
2007 Wind Chill Girl Gregory Jacobs
The Jane Austen Book Club Prudie Robin Swicord
Dan in Real Life Ruthie Draper Peter Hedges
Charlie Wilson's War Jane Liddle Mike Nichols
2008 Sunshine Cleaning Norah Lorkowski creaghnit Christine Jeffs
The Great Buck Howard creaghnit Sean McGinly
The Young Victoria Ben-rein Barriaght roie-yeeillaght Jean-Marc Vallée
2009 The Wolf Man Gwen Conliffe gobbraghey Joe Johnston