Ta armys Nerin jeant seose jeh claasagh airhey lesh strengyn as daah argid orroo er cooylrey gorrym. She cowrey heraldagh Nerin y chlaasagh. T'eh ry akin er yn armys v'er ny recortyssey dy h-oikoil myr armys steat Nerin er 9 Sauin 1945.[1]

Armys Nerin
Seal Steat Seyr Nerin (1922-1937)
ArmigerPobblaght Nerin
Scape lught-thieEr gorrym claasagh airhey ny strengyn argidit
Baarle: Azure a harp Or, stringed argent
Yernish: Ar ghorm cláirseach órga na sreanga airgidí
YmmydTa'n chlaasagh goll er ymmyd er dagh Slattys an Oireachtas; Seal oikoil Eaghtyrane Nerin; er coodee Kiedyn Troailt Yernagh; ec rheynnyn reiltyssagh eigsoylagh; er y çheu elley jeh boynyn euro Yernagh


  1. Office of the Chief Herald, Arms of Ireland, The National Library of Ireland (Grant Type: Registration; Register volume: G.O. MS 111G; Folio number: 20; Date: 9 November 1945)